Metro Weekly

News + Politics

  • Defeated Bill

    The House Judiciary Committee voted 12-8 against Del. Don Dwyer's (R-Anne Arundel) proposed amendment that would ban marriage rights for same-sex couples in the state...

  • Athletic Support

    Greg Campbell was attending a gay-straight alliance meeting at Wakefield High School in Arlington, where he teaches math and coaches swimming, when he came to...

  • Tackling Tomorrow's Taxes

    With the deadline for individual income-tax returns little more than two weeks away, storefronts are teeming with signs and banners touting ''instant'' tax refunds, some...

  • Positive Changes at Whitman-Walker Clinic

    Officials at Whitman-Walker Clinic announced on Monday, March 20, the addition of three physicians, who will join the staff at the clinic in the coming...

  • PEPCO adopts equal benefits for domestic partners

    Councilmember Mary M. Cheh (D-Ward 3) and the Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance (GLAA) applauded the Potomac Electric Power Company's parent company Pepco Holdings Inc.,...

  • Revealing struggles

    Dilcia Molina is not a criminal. Yet in Honduras, where she was born and raised, the 42-year-old lesbian and mother of two says she was...

  • Campus Crusade

    Across America, at various institutions of higher learning, some policies may seem less than enlightened. From Gordon College in Wenham, Mass., to Baylor University in...

  • D.C. Marriage 101

    Did you know that the District of Columbia now ranks sixth in the nation (as compared with states) in legal protections for same-sex couples? This...

  • Healthy Choice

    To mark the fifth annual LGBT Health Awareness Week, organized by the D.C.-based National Coalition for LGBT Health, the Whitman-Walker Clinic is holding an open-house...

  • The Birds vs. the Bees

    Parents representing Citizens for a Responsible Curriculum (CRC) generated buzz last week by protesting against Montgomery County's sex-ed pilot program with signs that read ''Health...

  • Flamingo Road

    You don't have to freeze your fanny out in the cold in order to smoke a cigarette at Freddie's Beach Bar & Restaurant. Jennifer Michie,...

  • Zoning Out

    A pending effort to transfer the liquor license used for the former Edge-Wet nightclub in Southeast D.C. -- a victim of baseball stadium-fueled redevelopment --...

  • Transgender Titles

    After brainstorming with other members at Transgender Health Empowerment, Inc., Brian Watson, director of programs at THE, says he decided that a pageant was the...

  • Final Chapter

    Funny, generous, kind. Those are the words friends use to describe Niam Marcus Slyman -- better known simply as Marc -- who died Monday, Feb....

  • Prime-time Pioneer

    In mid July of 1992, the United States was simmering -- not from the heat, so much as the feeling of change in the air....