Metro Weekly

News + Politics

  • Last Word

    ''Estrangement from family, marginalization within and isolation from society, separation from children,...and inadequate access to culturally sensitive health-care practitioners are all factors that can adversely...

  • Beyer Opts Out

    During a Maryland District 18 forum at Montgomery County's Leland Community Center in Chevy Chase on Sunday, Dec. 9, Dr. Dana Beyer, a transgender Democrat...

  • D.C. Center Plans 2008

    The D.C. Center, metropolitan Washington's GLBT community center, held an annual brunch and planning meeting Saturday, Dec. 8, asking community leaders to offer upcoming events...

  • Naked for NOVAM

    In 2007, with proceeds from the group's sold-out calendar, the D.C. Cowboys donated $11,000 to Whitman-Walker Clinic. Now, the local dance troupe is getting ready...

  • Hate Rail

    By the time Nathaniel Salerno finally made it home to his apartment on Capitol Hill around 4 a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 8, his white shirt...

  • Last Word

    ''I would have great regret and anxiety if I thought my comments were hurtful or in any way added to the already incredible pain that...

  • 2008's Gay Agenda

    The D.C. Center, ''Home to GLBT in D.C.,'' is offering an annual community meeting and holiday brunch on Saturday, Dec. 8, to give local gay...

  • Hate Talk

    On the heels of what some perceived as a September spike in hate crimes -- with an assault peppered with anti-gay epithets adjacent to the...

  • Meth by the Numbers

    Thomas McDermitt was battling addiction long before discovering ''crystal.'' In the five years since graduating from high school in 1986, McDermitt outgrew his alcohol addiction...

  • Last Word

    ''Men who have sex with men account for almost half of all people estimated to be living with HIV in the United States, and African...

  • False Cure

    Sharon Kass of Silver Spring, a stranger, is concerned for my welfare. In March 2006 she sent me links to several ''ex-gay'' Web sites. In...

  • Making Census Sense

    For anyone who doesn't speak statistics or computer programming, decennial census reports conducted by the by the U.S. Census Bureau can be rather confusing. ''It's...

  • Local Loss

    Cornelius R. Alexander Jr., known by friends simply as ''Neil,'' loved football. On Sunday, Nov. 18, however, with the Dallas Cowboys defeating his beloved Redskins,...

  • Marriage Options

    In conjunction with The Center, ''Home for GLBT in Metro DC,'' DC for Marriage, a nascent local organization, will present a public forum to discuss...

  • Power in Numbers

    The twelve thousand American flags that will decorate the National Mall beginning Friday, Nov. 30, through Sunday, Dec. 2, represent the many military service members...