Metro Weekly

News + Politics

  • Labor Pains

    It's sort of official: Mary Cheney, the vice president's lesbian daughter, and partner Heather Poe are going to have a baby. In Virginia. The pregnancy,...

  • Change at BHT

    Several months from now you may not find Larry Stansbury of Brother Help Thyself working from his office on 14th Street NW. You may not...

  • Fenty Moves Forward

    Democratic Mayor-elect Adrian Fenty won't take office until Jan. 2, but his transition machine has been churning efficiently for weeks. Several cabinet-level appointments have been...

  • Tina Time

    A full spectrum of anti-crystal-meth groups, from the grassroots on up, turned out at Whitman-Walker Clinic for a local recognition of National Methamphetamine Awareness Day,...

  • A Night of Vigilance

    ''There is a killer on the loose.'' That was the message from Rev. Dyan Abena McCray at the World AIDS Day Candlelight Vigil at Freedom...

  • One More Step

    No one knows how long it will take Maryland's Court of Appeals to reach a decision on the fate of a 1973 state law that...

  • Words of Wisdom

    When it comes to making positive life changes, Sally Michael wrote the book. The 61-year-old lesbian's ongoing recovery from a stroke she suffered six years...

  • A Time to Remember

    When Earline Budd and Brian Watson of Transgender Health Empowerment (THE) first discussed plans to commemorate the eighth annual Transgender Day of Remembrance, they originally...

  • Historic Controversy

    If Peter LaBarbera had his way, there would be a caution sign next to all of Franklin Edward Kameny's 70,000 artifacts documenting the gay rights...

  • Temple Bound

    It's been more than a month now since the Academy of Washington's weekly events came to a halt when Club 55, the venue that hosted...

  • Without a Trace

    Michele Anne Riley's 7-year-old son cannot understand why his gay uncle disappeared. ''I told that Donald is missing, that he's disappeared,'' says Riley,...

  • Cherry Date

    The wait for Cherry just got longer. The Cherry Fund announced Tuesday, Nov. 14, that its signature fundraising party will move from spring -- the...

  • Youth Movement

    ''Not Gay is also OK.'' ''Change is possible!'' ''You don't have to be gay.'' Those are just a few slogans that so-called ''ex-gay'' groups are...

  • Home-Grown Victories

    On Election Day 2006, two states leapt to the forefront with two pro-GLBT victories: Arizona became the first state to defeat a proposed constitutional amendment...

  • Scrolling in Scrubs

    I can't remember the last decision I made, or the last piece of knowledge I affirmed, without using the World Wide Webbery, the George W....