Metro Weekly

News + Politics

  • Making a Splash

    The D.C. Strokes seems the very embodiment of the ''work hard, play hard'' ethos. It's Friday night at Titan, and a few topless, chiseled, Lycra-panted...

  • Refusing to Run

    Since its founding in 2004, the National Black Justice Coalition, the national organization dedicated exclusively to advocating on behalf of the African-American GLBT community, has...

  • AIDS at 25

    ''I was sitting in my office at NIH reading the article on five gay men in Los Angeles who presented with pneumocystis pneumonia, and felt...

  • Dedicated to D.C.

    During a town-hall forum focused on the state of the black GLBT community in Washington held earlier this month, a member of the audience asked...

  • Fighting Back

    It's possible, perhaps even likely, that when he walked into the room, Wayne was as surprised to see me as I was upon seeing him....

  • Taking the Lead

    While I appreciate Will O'Bryan covering the GLBT Mayoral Forum I would have appreciated even more if he was clear about the...

  • Friendly Fire

    In the style sections of more than one newspaper, I've seen features on how to divorce a friend. These articles usually ooze with self-congratulation over...

  • Trans Regs Advance

    The D.C. Commission on Human Rights, the city's Office of Human Rights entity with authority over private sector human-rights complaints, took a step May 11...

  • Honored Quartet

    For 25 years, the Gay Men's Chorus of Washington, D.C. (GMCW) has been fulfilling a mission ''to entertain through excellent musical performance, to affirm the...

  • Where's the wedding?

    The Institute for Marriage and Public Policy, which opposes gay marriage, has just issued a new report finding that relatively few gay couples are getting...

  • Rough and Tumble

    The tumbleweed, it turned out, was a harbinger. I was a passenger in a car traveling down a small highway in Idaho and the tumbleweed...

  • Task Force Titans

    From enthusiastic political polemics to impassioned calls for GLBT activism to make its home both in the city and on the range, the stage at...

  • Pink Politicking

    Five of the district's front-running Democratic mayoral hopefuls entered the rainbow arena Monday night for a political forum that included some verbal fireworks, a literal...

  • Be Bar scores a victory

    The seven members of the district's Alcoholic Beverage Control Board voted unanimously Wednesday afternoon, May 3, to seat only ANC 2F as a protestant of...

  • Pulse of the People

    Ranging from alarm to hope, a panel of D.C.'s black gay leaders strove to outline what they saw as the state of their community as...