Metro Weekly

News + Politics

  • Room to Grow

    The glut of gifting holidays may be some weeks off, but The Center, ''Home for GLBT in Metro DC,'' announced an early present Oct. 19....

  • Family Planning

    It's only November, but Annie Shaw, director of Whitman-Walker Clinic's Lesbian Services Program, is already holding a hefty waiting list for the January session of...

  • With Open Eyes

    If not the morning after the election, then soon thereafter, we will all move from the false certitudes and pretended stark choices of the political...

  • Back of the Bus

    It has happened again, and it's going to keep happening. A Minneapolis bus driver recently complained that an advertisement for a gay magazine that ran...

  • Community Advice

    Safe schools and cultural competency are two of four areas deemed important by a mayoral panel for the D.C. government to focus on as it...

  • No Welcome Wagon

    Howard Daniel's phone has been ringing continuously for the past several days. His e-mail inbox has well over 1,000 messages, and while not all of...

  • ATLAS Shrugs

    Mark Lee is not the bogeyman. He is not lurking around the district's many alleys handing out cigarettes to underage teens. But Lee says his...

  • Rescue from the Right

    It's October, and the leaves are turning Code Orange and Red. But just when we were expecting another conveniently timed terror alert, the Republicans have...

  • Harsh Reality

    One in every 20 residents of Washington D.C. is living with HIV, according to a new ad campaign that will appear on many of the...

  • Love Game

    For the past three weeks, some members of the Capital Tennis Association (CTA) have been training for this weekend's 14th annual Capital Classic Tournament by...

  • Racy Revelry

    It started as a simple challenge between a few drag queens: Run from JR.'s Bar & Grill at 17th and Church streets up to Annie's...

  • Homophobia Reaffirmed

    There are many things one could say about the scandal involving disgraced former Rep. Mark Foley (R-Fla.). It is foremost a tale of an individual's...

  • Independent Ink

    The D.C. area will get a dose of GLBT counterculture this weekend, when ''SPX'' -- or, the Small Press Expo: North America's Premiere Independent Cartooning...

  • Kameny's Gay Paper Trail

    For nearly half a century, Franklin Edward Kameny has been indispensable in creating the American gay rights movement. And he saved everything, squirreling away documents,...

  • Power Walking

    As the D.C. AIDS Walk took its first steps on the Washington Mall in the spring of 1987, Pat Hawkins and the 100 or so...