Metro Weekly

News + Politics

  • Reason for the Season

    In a low-income housing complex in Syracuse, a family that looks like George Bush's definition of family is struggling to make ends meet. This family...

  • The Ex Files

    It's fun to laugh at John Paulk, the former drag queen turned ex-gay poster boy who made the spectacularly bad decision to stop by Mr....

  • Hey, Santa!

    Oh, Santa baby, have we been good! Patiently waiting year after year for some kind of recognition that our relationships count, we've braved homophobia and...

  • Women's Work

    Among the many pleasures of last month's Reel Affirmations Film Festival was seeing myself on the big screen. I'm proud to have been just one...

  • Marriage Win in Massachusetts

    The Massachusetts Supreme Court on Tuesday finessed the issue of gay marriage, deciding that same-sex couples have the right to wed but leaving it to...

  • Politically Correct

    In my little nuclear-free suburb last week, the voting members of my ward joined together to elect a lesbian to represent us on the Takoma...

  • Changeover

    Massachusetts State Senator Cheryl Jacques will become the next president and executive director of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the organization announced on Monday, following...

  • Beautiful Day

    ‘Tis the season of gay tourism. I don't mean my friends and I hopping on that Olivia Cruise to Lesbos. I mean other folks, gay...

  • Building Blocks

    The new HRC headquarters building at 17th Street and Rhode Island Avenue NW. (Photo by Michael Wichita) Blue and yellow confetti filled the air at...

  • Grave Lessons

    I spent my 40th birthday talking to a lesbian ghost. More specifically, I made a pilgrimage to the tomb of famous lesbian author Radclyffe Hall,...

  • 'Atta Girl!

    There was a girl in my neighborhood growing up who was as sporty as any boy on the block. She wore baseball caps every day,...

  • Bearing False Witness

    It's Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, and loved ones have pampered me with gifts of sweet things (for a sweet year). The jumbo bag...

  • Reality Bites

    When I was a little kid, I used to watch a show called Romper Room and hoped each day with all my might that Miss...

  • Everyday Terror

    On the second anniversary of the September 11th attacks I thought about the kinds of ''domestic'' terrorism that America has chosen to ignore for so...

  • Professing Love

    Once every few months, or so it seemed, I would find myself in my college adviser's office, telling him how, really, it would make so...