Metro Weekly

News + Politics

  • Safe Sex

    June 26, 2003: It's a great day to be a sodomite. In the time line of our lives, this is a big one. They should...

  • Victory Party

    As the sun set on the gay victory day, the rally supporting the Supreme Court's decision overturning sodomy had already ended. Signs were scattered on...

  • A Supreme Victory

    One down, two to go. Wherever one stands on last week's Supreme Court decision striking down sodomy laws -- with Justice Anthony M. Kennedy's moving...

  • Gaydar Testing

    As an official bookworm geek, one of my summer jobs is to read and score AP History exams for the College Board. The College Board...

  • Surfing Buddies

    I have a gigantic personal network. If I needed to talk about a problem or wanted to chat with someone who shared one of my...

  • Record of the Past

    In this past year, the deaths of poet-activist June Jordan and women's music founding mamas Kay Gardner and Ginni Clemmens represent a cumulative loss of...

  • Voice of Reason

    In a chaotic living room in Iowa, where conversations between nine adults were shouted over four toddlers and pre-schoolers playing with toys and occasionally breaking...

  • On the Agenda

    More than 300 people started Capital Pride week at a panel discussion on the ''gay agenda.'' (Photo by Michael Wichita) Is there a gay agenda?...

  • Graduation Gay

    Graduation has come and gone, releasing thousands of college students (at least three hundred of whom were mine) to test their bachelors' degrees in a...

  • Day of Tribute

    Christopher Neff of GLAA at the Tomb of the Unknowns (Photo by Michael Wichita) Standing on the stairs before the Tomb of the Unknowns in...

  • Mr. Nice Guy

    ''I love your hair,'' the Compliment Guy told me one recent day. It wasn't a good hair day or anything; in fact, that morning I...

  • Eyes on the Hill

    Ernest Hopkins of the San Francisco AIDS Foundation and Laura Hanen of the National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors brief attendees at AIDS...

  • A Visit from Ellen

    ''Do you remember what day this is?'' my girlfriend breathed into the phone. So I raced through my mental Rolodex. It wasn't our anniversary, or...

  • Go East!

    AQUA co-chair Joseph Truong Some say that gay jokes are the last socially acceptable form of discrimination, but most people think nothing of laughing at...

  • Owed to Mom

    Mother's Day is fast approaching, and I will be spending the earliest hours of this year's holiday transporting the VIP I call Mom to my...