Metro Weekly

News + Politics

  • Trouble in Texas

    Hardly anyone seems aware of it, but on Nov. 8, Texans will vote on an unusually far-ranging state constitutional amendment banning gay marriage and anything...

  • AIDS Walk 2005

    Banner year? The Oct. 1 AIDS Walk (Photo by Todd Franson ) Though not quite on par with last year's figures, as yet, Kim Mills,...

  • Budgets and Buildings

    On Thursday evening, Oct. 6, The Center: Home for GLBT in Metro D.C. opened its doors and its accounting books -- to a degree --...

  • Aging with Optimism

    Aging has long been a frightening topic in the gay community, where youth often seems synonymous with happiness -- particularly so among the males. But...

  • Setting the Course

    The Wednesday opening reception aside, when attendees of the National Black Justice Coalition's first Black LGBT Leaders Summit sat down to business early Thursday morning,...

  • A Sigh of Relief

    How did John Roberts do at his hearing to be the next Chief Justice of the Supreme Court? Before the hearing, I laid out five...

  • White Wedding

    Around the time your late twenties begin to take shape on the horizon, everyone who's passed that benchmark will tell you that you'll soon be...

  • Walking for Whitman-Walker

    Under what are predicted to be sunny skies, Whitman-Walker Clinic will hold its 19th annual AIDS Walk fundraiser Saturday, Oct. 1, kicking off from Freedom...

  • Lesbian Stereo-hyping

    There are few moments in a lesbian's life with more texture, few occasions more richly rewarding, than the experience of sitting with a couple of...

  • Arnold's Legacy

    There's no putting lipstick on this pig. Unless he changes his mind, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger will become the first executive anywhere in the world...

  • On the Job

    Martha Stewart's own version of The Apprentice begins next week, and I am on the edge of my seat. Will she throw chairs? Spit fire?...

  • Rainbow Relief

    Hurricane Katrina has bombarded Americans with non-stop scenes of devastation. More than two weeks after this gargantuan tempest slammed into the Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi...

  • Port in a Storm

    News this week that the California Assembly passed a bill allowing same-sex marriage in that state was cause for excitement, without a doubt. The measure...

  • Bad-Ass Lesbians

    I knew when I boarded the Metro and saw them that the two women sitting near me, dressed in a fashion that is way more...

  • Why Iran Matters

    A friend and I were recently shooting the breeze over a pot of coffee when he asked me a question that stopped me in my...