Metro Weekly

News + Politics

  • Go East!

    AQUA co-chair Joseph Truong Some say that gay jokes are the last socially acceptable form of discrimination, but most people think nothing of laughing at...

  • Owed to Mom

    Mother's Day is fast approaching, and I will be spending the earliest hours of this year's holiday transporting the VIP I call Mom to my...

  • A Threat to Our Kids

    The two couples who met with Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) last Thursday weren't looking for a fight. As parents of gay children, their goal was...

  • Santorum Ad Nauseam

    Santorum Republican Trent Lott, a Mississippi Senator, lauded outgoing Senator Strom Thurmond last year saying the country would have been better off if it had...

  • Southern Success Story

    Yep, I spent Passover weekend in a pig barn in Ovett, Mississippi. Not kosher, you say? Ah, but I was onstage, emceeing the show, content...

  • Taxing Times

    Are there two words in the English language more beautiful than the harmonic, lilting combination of April 15th? A linguistic pair as enticing could be...

  • Shaping the City

    Past and Present: GLAA's Frank Kameny, left, andSgt. Brett Parsons of the policedepartment's Gay and LesbianLiaison Unit. (Photo by Michael Wichita) It takes a diversity...

  • Back to School

    I recently came out to over one hundred kids at my old high school. I was invited to do so as the loyal and enthusiastic...

  • Squeeze Play

    When Senator Joe Biden (D-DE) introduced his RAVE Act legislation last year, it was a slam dunk waiting to happen. Teenagers, drugs, freaky-looking ravers --...

  • Good Dog

    When these words appear in print, the world as I know it will have become a bit bleaker. A veterinarian will have made a house...

  • Staph Evaluations

    Expertise on call: Ward (Photo by Michael Wichita) These days, the media debuts new infectious diseases like they're Vin Diesel's latest release. Katie Couric on...

  • The Lingering Whiff of Anti-Semitism

    The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum just concluded its powerful, four-month exhibit on Nazi persecution of homosexuals. And now, with both Passover and Hitler's birthday landing...

  • They Fought the Law

    ''Even today I think those first six months of 1975 were the peak period of gay activism. We were really on a roll. '' That's...

  • DADT Discharges

    Discharges from the military under the anti-gay ''Don't Ask, Don't Tell '' (DADT) policy declined by nearly a third in fiscal year 2002, the lowest...

  • All's Fair

    Over the weekend, our friend Linda boarded a plane en route to Iraq, decked out in her Army gear and ready to serve her country....