Metro Weekly

News + Politics

  • Rebutting a Rant

    I'm no tree-hugger, but I do feel badly for all the trees that had to die so Rick Rosendall's rant about the National Gay and...

  • Bugging Out

    For months I've been hearing random mentions -- threats, really -- of the looming cicada infestation that is, as of this writing, no longer looming....

  • Misplaced Priorities

    A fundraiser for the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force is scheduled in D.C. for Sunday, May 16. I am not normally in the business...

  • Hair and There

    Everyone is looking for something different, but one thing that we're all looking for is good hair. On ourselves or, barring that, on someone else....

  • Boy Crazy

    At some point over the weekend -- maybe it was when I was holding Harrison upside-down by his ankles, or when I was showing Spencer...

  • In the Bag

    Volunteers and staffers at last weekend's Gender PAC conference got a surprise as they were preparing for the weekend. Inside each of the plastic bags...

  • What the L?

    I really didn't mean for it to happen, but it did. I got sucked in by The L Word. I spent the season with growing...

  • Straight Flush

    We're all out of toilet paper, and apparently no one is going to buy more. It's been nearly two weeks, and what started as simple...

  • Everyday Activists

    I'm glad that I live in a country where people can feel free to express their opinions and views in many different ways. This expression...

  • Let Me Tell You

    In the middle of one of my self-help meetings -- recently I've been helping myself to a lot of personal growth -- a woman related...

  • Parental Guidance

    Many opponents of gay marriage do so on the grounds that marriage exists primarily for raising children, and that gay couples cannot satisfy this purpose....

  • Mayor with a Mission

    Gavin Newsom has the crowd in the palm of his hand, telling them the story of how San Francisco became the first major city in...

  • Do A Little Dance

    I do not dance. I have never been a dancer. I could tell you stories about middle school dances and high school dances, where I...

  • Life During Wartime

    When Austin Rooke got a letter from the Army in December 2001, he didn't expect that Uncle Sam would still want him. A lot had...

  • Marriage Update

    You may have noticed a new Republican advertising campaign on gay marriage playing on your television screen. This time, however, it's a campaign to stop...