The passionate op/ed by Graham N. Murphy is a heartfelt and jarring thing. His sagacity of the facts is impressive. I...
I never expected the Human Rights Campaign to endorse George W. Bush in the upcoming presidential election. I would also be the first one protesting...
During a recent fundraiser for a local charity at the home of two friends in a long-term lesbian relationship, I found myself concentrating very little...
I don't want to take a shuttle bus anywhere, those shortish buslettes with the cryptic destinations in the marquee window at the front (''Terminal,'' ''North...
Every day in America, on some dogwood-lined street beneath wistful cirrus clouds and past independent bookstores and cafes, without a hint of cynicism or irony,...
Some Mormons recently dropped by my friend Lindsay's apartment to evangelize. ''Hi, we're from the Church of Latter-Day Saints. You may remember us from our...
I'm no tree-hugger, but I do feel badly for all the trees that had to die so Rick Rosendall's rant about the National Gay and...
For months I've been hearing random mentions -- threats, really -- of the looming cicada infestation that is, as of this writing, no longer looming....
A fundraiser for the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force is scheduled in D.C. for Sunday, May 16. I am not normally in the business...
Everyone is looking for something different, but one thing that we're all looking for is good hair. On ourselves or, barring that, on someone else....
At some point over the weekend -- maybe it was when I was holding Harrison upside-down by his ankles, or when I was showing Spencer...
Volunteers and staffers at last weekend's Gender PAC conference got a surprise as they were preparing for the weekend. Inside each of the plastic bags...
I really didn't mean for it to happen, but it did. I got sucked in by The L Word. I spent the season with growing...
We're all out of toilet paper, and apparently no one is going to buy more. It's been nearly two weeks, and what started as simple...
I'm glad that I live in a country where people can feel free to express their opinions and views in many different ways. This expression...