I tend to forget, in the hustle-bustle thing called life, about the meaning and importance of days designated to reflect and honor and observe. Somehow...
Photography by Michael Wichita I do say, there's nothing quite like a bit of energy spritzer to fluff one's midday mojo. I seek a concoction...
Photography by Michael Wichita Does anything quite say ''urban sophistication'' like the elegant simplicity of a piano bar? And if you throw around words like...
I'm a few hours away, as I write this, from my first mammogram. It's a procedure I've been thinking about for years as a gay...
Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays wants you to go straight, and they've enlisted a hot guy to convince you. He looks like he's...
A giant ad in Monday's Washington Post -- it's a full page but somehow it looks bigger than the others -- touts an upcoming...
War is hell -- especially when you're particularly fond of the enemy. No, I'm not talking about al Qaeda or Iraq. I mean the war...
Ed is dying of pancreatic cancer. All year we've been getting e-mails about his diagnosis, then his prognosis, then his treatment progress, then his...
All it took for tennis to shed its stuffy, elitist reputation was a long-haired sex symbol with a cocky attitude, a few Canon commercials...
There we sat in a staff meeting, all twelve of us, listening to the vice president for operations talk about kitchen upkeep. "Every bottom...
For a bowler, there's no sweeter sound than the clamor of ten white pins crashing to the floor in a strike. ''I love...
The performance hall in my hometown is smaller than I remember it, but most things back there are. It's been at least 10 years...
Washington Wetskins Take some basketball, mix in dashes of soccer and football, then flood the playing field with water until it's too deep to...
Washington Renegades (Photo by Michael Wichita) Just watching a Washington Renegades rugby practice from the sidelines, one starts to feel gripped by the passion on...
Photos by Michael Wichita and Jonathan Padget We consider ourselves a pretty modern, no nonsense society when it comes to forward-thinking. Low-tar cigarettes, tap lights,...