President Joe Biden has repealed the Trump administration's ban prohibiting most transgender people from serving in the U.S. military.
Critics worry denying care will increase youths' feelings of depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation
Mark Sahady was identified through posts from Super Happy Fun America, which organizes "Straight Pride"
"Transgender 21 Act" would gag medical providers from even acknowledging a youth's gender identity without parental consent
Detroit Free Press reporter Marlowe Alter unearthed comments by Dan Campbell from 1998. Then his own anti-gay tweets were found.
Antony Blinken also vowed to name an LGBTQI envoy, saying the U.S. should be "standing up for and defending the rights of LGBTQI people"
Executive orders seek to reverse some of the Trump administration's more controversial policy decisions
Recipient says he is "undeterred," but the letter points to a much larger problem regarding white supremacists
Human Rights Campaign celebrates the start of what is expected to be "the most pro-equality presidency in history"
Kristopher Dreww tried to retract claims that he'd helped storm the Capitol after receiving death threats
La Isla Cuchifrito Restaurant in Mott Haven apologized to the couple
Pennsylvania's Secretary of Health is the first transgender person nominated to a Senate-confirmable position
Police are investigating after a man poured gasoline on OnlyFans star Matthew Camp's porch and lit it on fire
Pro-LGBTQ laws are the first passed since a 2017 moratorium imposed as part of repealing the HB 2 "bathroom bill"
John Weaver allegedly sent unsolicited photos to young men and offered work in exchange for sexual favors