Jean-Pierre has been called a "superstar" by former Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett
Bimonthly injections were previously found to be more effective than daily pills at preventing HIV transmission
Failed GOP politician E.W. Jackson has called gay people "perverted" and "very sick"
Annual conference, focusing on racial and social justice, will be held virtually from Jan. 28-31
Former president also discussed his lesbian great aunt in new memoir A Promised Land
Report's release coincides with Transgender Day of Remembrance and new FBI data showing rise in anti-trans hate crimes
Last week, the Gertrude Stein Democratic Club, the city’s top LGBTQ political organization, elected a slate of new board members for the upcoming year. The...
Public Health England attributed the record low to increased testing, condom usage, and the availability of PrEP
Democrats called Graham's alleged actions "illegal" "unacceptable" and "shameful"
Jesse James Keitel will be the first nonbinary series regular in a prime time show
Video shows the man hurling abuse and homophobic slurs at counter-protesters
Plan would respond to Poland's "LGBT-free zones" and increasing anti-LGBTQ discrimination
Bill Henry Buckaloo has been suspended after using the anti-gay slur to describe a drag show at Blue Moon
The president's former lawyer recorded a Cameo video in which he praised Camp's OnlyFans account
"I am excited about the passion, talents, and treasures that both will bring to the legacy of NBJC," said executive director David Johns.