Swan Being has amended her lawsuit suing the state to include two other trans Alaskans
Supreme Court Justices' recent comments are "deeply troubling" for the fate of LGBTQ rights, says Obergefell
Justices Thomas and Alito claim same-sex marriage violates religious liberty and the court bypassed the democratic process in its 2015 decision.
Report documents progress and regression in various countries when it comes to recognizing transgender rights
Critics claim ads like the one against Jon Hoadley, exploiting QAnon conspiracy theory, are being used against other Democrats
George Takei urged gay men to share photos making out and "doing very gay things"
Toni Whifield says she believes the motivation for burning her business' truck was anti-transgender hate
Police allege that Green was killed following an altercation with the man whose car she was riding in
Sanae Martinez was told she'd have to lose her earrings and cut her hair in order to attend school.
Michelle Ramos Vargas was shot multiple times in the head near San German
But another photographer and a church have filed two new lawsuits seeking to overturn or gut the law
The Boys in the Band star says a gay man told him to keep his mannerisms "under control" at industry events
Over 5,400 advocates, activists, and researchers have already registered for the online conference
Day-long event will focus on the fight against state-sponsored violence and organizing around racial justice
81% of LGBTQ likely voters say they are more motivated to vote this year than in recent elections