Alt-right figure said the party would help his friends "build up an immunity" to COVID-19
Three gay men appealed for the law to be overturned, arguing it is unconstitutional
Organizers say they'll be holding virtual events and sending out a survey to plan ahead for next year
Capital Trans Pride and API Pride are also postponed, with new dates to be announced in the coming weeks
The United Kingdom's COVID-19-related lockdown left the man with "no choice" but to move back home
Israel Carreras, 40, had no underlying health problems prior to contracting the COVID-19 coronavirus
Lawsuit claims Chuck Comer required all students wanting to play basketball to join his "Teens for Christ" program
Victim's friend believes victim, known as "Lexi," was killed due to a dispute over a wig
The suspect "told her he was going to fix the gay" when the woman said she didn't like men, according to police documents
As COVID-19 takes hold in America, we asked the LGBTQ community how they're coping
Annie's offers food, drinks, and steaks in new carryout options
The gay-owned brewpub offers takeout food and drinks as it restructures amid coronavirus
The fund will help all hourly workers, including bar staff, sales and customer service representatives, and security personnel
Queer-owned businesses venture into uncharted terrain in the wake of COVID-19
Board of Commissioners makes Covington the first city in Kentucky to ban the practice