Dawn Gentry faces nine charges of misconduct, including engaging in sexual relations with a male lover and a female court employee
John Fillmore's bills challenge any recognition of transgender individuals' gender identity by schools or government
The D.C.-based sex worker advocacy organization holds two orientation sessions per year
If measure gathers enough signatures, it will either end up before the legislature or on the 2020 ballot
Ward 2 councilmember to step down Jan. 17 following investigation into alleged "ethical lapses"
Suspect is accused of harassing bar employee via email before sending letter with white powder through the mail
Minor at center of lawsuit has been able to change almost all of his identification documents, except his birth certificate
The ACLU represented Grimm while he was suing his school district over its trans-exclusive restroom policy
Steven Anderson was previously banned from Australia because of rhetoric calling for executions of LGBTQ people
Men were called "f*****s" and an "abomination" after asking the couple to have quieter sex
Mark Latunski is accused of luring and murdering 25-year-old Kevin Bacon
However, British police believe Reynhard Sinaga assaulted at least 190 men, with 70 still to be identified
Suspect says he retrieved the attacker's jacket for him, but did not commit the assault that killed Juan Fresnada
Buttigieg retorts: 'I've been a believer longer than he’s been a Republican'
An Indiana state senator has introduced a bill for the second year in a row that would prohibit schools that discriminate against LGBTQ people or...