Church leaders called the plan the "best means" to solve a divide over LGBTQ acceptance in the Methodist Church
Officer Daniel Moore claims superiors retaliated against him after he complained
In unsettled times, progress for the LGBTQ community is often measured by a string of triumphs and pitfalls. Such was the story of 2019.
Friends of Dustin Parker have started a fundraising campaign on Facebook to help his family
2016 high court ruling overturned a law that punished consensual same-sex relations with 10 years in prison
Police believe the woman was shot during an exchange of gunfire with security guards
An office manager at a New Jersey church became concerned after a man in his 60s began asking whether the church permitted “gays,” according to...
A lesbian LGBTQ activist in Alaska says she was slashed with a knife and beaten by an unknown assailant in her home within a few...
A 60-year-old gay Bronx man who was beaten and stomped by a group of men men during a robbery has succumbed to his injuries. Juan...
Four men have been arrested and charged for allegedly beating a Pasco, Wash., man after they saw him holding another man’s hand. According to court...
A former judicial candidate has had his license to practice law suspended for 91 days after the Florida Supreme Court determined that he had violated...
A federal judge has ruled that the state of Illinois must overhaul all of its procedures and protocols dealing with how it processes, books, and...
The comedy troupe behind the controversial Netflix comedy that features Jesus as a gay man bringing home his partner to meet the Holy Family has...
Earlier this week, the United States recalled its ambassador to Zambia after he angered government officials by criticizing a 15-year prison sentence given to a...
95% of studies reviewed showed a link between discrimination and its impact on mental and physical health