Suspects attempted to access text messages between the victim and one of the men's wives
U.S. Ambassador received threats after saying he was "horrified" by 15-year sentence for two men convicted of gay sex
Anti-LGBTQ group says a holiday-themed drag show is "a direct and vulgar attack against the birth of Christ"
The boy was left without food or water after his father found him watching male adult videos on his phone
If bill is approved by Senate and signed by governor, New Jersey would become 9th state to ban the defense strategy
Warren told an emotional story about her first marriage, before asking the teen for a hug
While contest's embrace of LGBTQ visibility has been criticized, this is the first time a country has withdrawn over social issues
Teacher snapped after DWTS dancer Louis van Amstel's son said he was thankful for his gay fathers
Ann Ennis pretended to play a violin while offering the callous response to LGBTQ activists
Father Scott Nolan told Judge Sara Smolenski she couldn't receive communion, after years of attending the church
Three ongoing HIV vaccine trials offer reason to be hopeful, researchers say
AGs say barring transgender people from spaces matching their gender identity serves "no legitimate interests"
The state of Utah has proposed a final rule aimed at banning conversion therapy on minors following the addition of language meant to assuage concerns...
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights calls findings "devastating," says Trump has "blatantly and deliberately" targeted LGBTQ people
Curtis said sexuality is "nobody's business" -- unless someone is harming other LGBTQ people