Abel Cedeño was found guilty of manslaughter for stabbing two classmates, one fatally
Gay writer Dale Peck claims to have received death threats for his article, which was deleted hours after being published
Two men were asked intimate details about their sexual history, then had their applications rejected
Report on South Korean military reveals a hyper-masculine culture where LGBTQ soldiers are targeted for abuse
Far-right politician Rafi Peretz said that he had used conversion therapy on gay youth and believed it can work
Part of Mounir Baatour's platform includes repealing the country's laws criminalizing homosexuality
Bill's passage continues trend of Granite State lawmakers approving pro-LGBTQ laws
Books by Dr. Joseph Nicolosi -- the "father" of conversion therapy -- were removed after an online petition
Jack'd failed to fix a software bug that exposed users' private albums for a year
Demetris Nelson is accused of killing one gay man and critically wounding another
On Friday, the U.S. House of Representatives voted on a largely party-line basis to approve the Fiscal Year 2020 National Defense Authorization Act, which includes...
But the film's director said PETA was "seeking attention" and that no animals were "used as props"
Defense bill will now head to Conference Committee, but Speier Amendment could be removed from final version
D. Auxilly in New York City declined a lesbian couple's request, instead telling them to "reconsider" their love for one another
Spears was shot to death last month in Maryland, just across the border from D.C.