Taiwan's president said the island nation had taken a "big step towards true equality"
Bill prohibiting anti-LGBTQ discrimination passes over Republican objections, and is now headed to the U.S. Senate.
As a deaf LGBTQ person, DiMarco is highlighting the importance of the Act as a member of two marginalized communities
Civil rights groups rally in protest of Wendy Vitter and other Trump nominees who are silent about landmark desegregation case
Civil rights groups are worried that any compromises would weaken protections for LGBTQ people
Boys were allegedly told "your kind are not welcome here" before being told to leave
The fast food chain couldn't care less than organizations it donates to actively discriminate against LGBTQ people
Coffee chain says the tumbler is |"just the beginning of Starbucks support of the 50th anniversary of Pride month"
Pat Robertson said God would punish America if the landmark LGBTQ rights bill succeeds
An exhibition featuring 30 pieces of art from a diverse and talented group of 15 area artists
Last Democrat not sponsoring the Equality Act says he'll vote for it, but wants some "religious liberty" concerns addressed
Recent crimes against men perceived to be gay have cast light on the refusal of lawmakers to amend the law
Lisa Marie Thalhammer's Stonewall LOVE bottle incorporates emblematic LGBTQ imagery
The Tyler Clementi Higher Education Anti-Harassment Act would require colleges to make their anti-harassment policies more inclusive
Actress is the latest celebrity to endorse sweeping LGBTQ rights legislation