HRC calls rumors of discriminatory order "deeply troubling"
Apple CEO affirms that company "believes deeply in the importance of immigration"
Mary's House and Black, Gifted and Whole among the top grant awardees
Trump previously promised to sign bill targeting LGBT people
He had a gun held to his head while vandals spray-painted slurs onto his car
Lawyers for two public school students argue that the law violates the Constitution
Jim Slattery remembers the first time he witnessed the impact of Brother, Help Thyself. In 2009, the organization’s board met to determine which nonprofits would...
An Idaho man has pleaded guilty to a federal hate crime charge for luring a man to a desolate area before robbing him and beating...
Organizers say they were inspired by the success of the Women's March on Washington
"Today we stand by our LGBTQ+ friends to ensure equality for EVERYONE!"
The Women's March on Washington was a galvanizing moment in a new, burgeoning resistance
Sen. Jeff Sessions, (R-Ala.) President Donald Trump’s nominee for Attorney General, has offered a glimpse at how the Department of Justice might enforce existing laws...
The president, hypocritically, takes exception to Manning calling Obama's leadership "weak"
Scott Lively, the anti-LGBT pastor currently being sued in federal court for his involvement in promoting anti-LGBT laws in Uganda, including the country’s “Kill the Gays”...
Pat McCrory was call an "anti-gay bigot" for signing anti-LGBT HB 2 into law