Legislators are considering the possibility of censure after the governor leaves offensive voicemail
Order remains in effect while 3 transgender students challenge state's HB 2 law in court
Prosecutors say Martin Blackwell was motivated by his disgust for the couple's same-sex relationship
Conservative media trying to fan controversy over video outlining policy on lodging for overnight school trips
Senators Greg Kirk and Vincent Fort will take their ongoing legislative fight in front of the public next month
Orlando Health and Florida Hospital will absorb $5.5 million in healthcare costs for victims
Sigourney Coyle refuses to change in front of trans females
Christo and Theo Menelaou are the first known gay couple to have triplets carrying both of their genes
Cher says Trump's efforts to court anti-LGBT voters conflict with his alleged support for LGBT community
Gov. McCrory's new ad features a woman telling viewers she's "horrified" about trans students being treated with respect
Bevin's administration cheered the news, saying it "reaffirms the right of local control"
Report, co-authored by anti-LGBT professor, said there was no scientific evidence people are born LGBT
Bill mandates public buildings and businesses offer equal access bathrooms
ISIS fighters pushed the men from a rooftop in Mosul
Jessica Hicklin is suing the Missouri Department of Corrections over its "freeze-frame" policy