Chelsea Manning, the transgender soldier behind one of the largest leaks of classified information in history, has begun a hunger strike to protest the military’s...
Film roles included Last Exit to Brooklyn, Pulp Fiction and The Wedding Singer
Civil rights icon says LGBT community must vote and do all it can to ensure Trump is not elected president
Tim Kaine paints sharp contrast between his running mate and Donald Trump
Clinton's comment at an LGBT fundraiser may have been ill-advised, but consider who it's aimed at
Trump promises to fulfill evangelical wish list at Values Voter Summit
Transgender student accused of "twerking" and making lewd comments
Minneapolis eatery says it tries to "create an environment that is blind to any form of prejudice "
Benedict XVI cites dissolution of so-called "gay lobby" as one of his successes in a new book
Tony Marrero was shot four times in the back and credits "Rise" with helping his recovery
Pine also responded to George Takei's criticism of Sulu being revealed as gay
Donald Trump will share the stage at Values Voter Summit with a host of bigots and homophobes
North Carolina governor releases yet another ad defending his support of HB 2 restroom law
Amanda Marcotte says the oft-repeated right-wing trope is an attempt to push back against women's empowerment
Endorsement driven by Clinton's push for gun reform measures, including closing the 'Charleston loophole'