A Republican-led Virginia House of Delegates subcommittee killed two nondiscrimination bills that passed the Senate with bipartisan support, referring them to the Code Commission of...
"I am so grateful for your help and support over these past few months."
"Supreme Court has, in fact, established a third sex for all intents and purposes."
Or, how I learned to stop being idealistic and accept our failed political system
Governor to meet with local transgender individuals before deciding whether or not to veto bill
On Tuesday, Tennessee lawmakers approved — without debate — a resolution expressing “disagreement with the constitutional analysis” of Obergefell v. Hodges, the case that legalized marriage...
Gov. Daugaard has five days to veto measure before it goes into law
"Look, we're not changing any laws," Kasich said. "The court has spoken. That's the end of it."
The Republican Party continues to prove that it has nothing to offer LGBT voters
Respective bills head to opposite legislative chambers, even as Gov. McAuliffe promises vetoes
The 79-year-old Supreme Court Justice was no friend to the LGBT cause
Dowling was a finalist in Men's Health's search for a cover model.
Armin Meiwes, described the moment he tasted the flesh of Bernd Brandes, who had consented to being eaten.
Kim Davis has finally relented in her fight against same-sex marriage
GAMMA provides support for gay men who are married to women