Two pro-LGBT measures remain in limbo after passing the Maryland General Assembly as they undergo review by Gov. Larry Hogan (R), who has not yet...
–Conservative lawyer Mat Staver, founder of Liberty Counsel, speaking on his radio bulletin Freedom’s Call, Right Wing Watch reports. “Same-sex marriage leads to the devaluation of...
Stance puts him at odds with Marco Rubio
Jeb Bush, the former Florida governor and likely contender for the GOP nomination for the presidency in 2016, will address the graduates of televangelist Jerry...
Transgender icon takes a bold step to help other trans women feel better about their bodies
Autoshop owner efuses to serve openly gay customers
Governor stalls change to U.S. territory's laws, however
— French government spokesman Stephane Le Foll, speaking with France24. France submitted its application to the Vatican for openly gay Stefanini to be its ambassador...
For Apryl Prentiss, the news out of the White House last Wednesday was a validation. That was the day the White House responded to an...
As Clinton makes her case for the presidential nomination, it’s important to take note of her shifting LGBT positions
Senator Marc Rubio (R., Florida) is throwing his hat into the ring for the GOP presidential nomination, joining Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. Rubio, 43, spoke...
Hillary Clinton makes it official in a cleverly concieved video.
The Vatican is being accused of rejecting France’s nomination for ambassador to the Holy See, because the nominee is gay. France submitted its application to the...
Washington State Republicans this week failed to strip verbal counselling, or talk therapy, from a bill which seeks to ban aversion therapy — also known as...
Actress says there's "a long way to go" to end transphobia