ABC’s Friday edtion of 20/20 included a long segment on Kaitlyn Hunt. It was the first public interview from the 18-year-old high school student who has...
“When I cheat on my partner he’s cheating on me at the same time at the other end of the same guy.” Dan Savage, who...
Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett compared same-sex marriage to incest during a Friday interview, drawing outrage from national LGBT-rights organizations. Appearing on WHP-TV in Harrisburg, the...
Whitman-Walker Health (WWH), the local community health center specializing in LGBT-sensitive care and HIV/AIDS, has submitted evidence of extensive anti-LGBT discrimination in health care to...
Two Pennsylvania state representatives announced at a Thursday press conference that they plan to introduce a marriage-equality bill in the General Assembly’s lower chamber that...
The Pentagon’s extension of benefits to same-sex military families continues to face setbacks and roadblocks one month after the updated policy was implemented, now with...
Ford's Theatre has announced that due to the shutdown of the federal government, performances of The Laramie Project have been canceled ''as long as the...
Calling a country ''democratic'' doesn't necessarily mean much when it comes to human rights. At least, not in Serbia, with its hopes of being accepted...
As the federal government officially enters its first shutdown in 17 years, local political candidates for office on both sides of the aisle are using...
“Most libertarians understand that there is more to liberty than just low taxes and the right to bear arms. Regardless of their personal religious views,...
West Virginia became the latest state to face a federal lawsuit challenging the state’s same-sex marriage ban following a Tuesday filing by Lambda Legal. Filed...
You have to admit that as gay people we have some considerable experience at losing. While the pace of change in recent years for LGBT...
ExxonMobil received praise when the oil giant announced Friday that it would extend equal employee benefits to same-sex married couples beginning Oct. 1. But with...
The star legal duo who took on California’s same-sex marriage ban have set their sights on a new target — and the ramifications could be...
On Wednesday, pasta company chairman Guido Barilla remarked that he would not depict “a homosexual family” in Barilla’s advertisements because he “didn’t agree with them.” ...