Equality Virginia, the commonwealth's chief nonprofit LGBT-rights organization, will recognize seven honorees who have advanced LGBT equality. at its 10th annual Commonwealth Dinner on April...
A Logan Circle clothing store popular with the LGBT community was robbed Saturday, March 23, with two men caught on camera assaulting the store's manager...
Equality Virginia, the commonwealth’s primary LGBT-rights group, is asking Gov. Bob McDonnell (R) to veto a bill passed overwhelmingly by the Virginia Assembly in February...
Marriage-equality supporters gained another important ally yesterday when the 83-year-old American Academy of Pediatrics declared its support for same-sex marriage. In a policy statement titled...
D.C. Council candidate Elissa Silverman came four votes shy of the threshold needed to earn the endorsement of the Gertrude Stein Democratic Club, the city's...
Springtime is not just about blooming flowers. With school graduations, there is also something of the bloom of youth in the air. With Metro Weekly,...
“I’m not gay. So I’m not going to marry one.” — Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.), when asked by Politico if his views on gay marriage...
Capital Pride announced yesterday that Whitman-Walker Health, the nonprofit community health center specializing in LGBT and HIV/AIDS care, will be the presenting sponsor of the...
“If Kimberly and Jamie expect to attend future GLAAD events, they will first need to sit down with us to discuss Fox News’ embarrassing, biased...
The saga surrounding New Mexico’s ambiguous marriage laws continued today as two same-sex couples filed a lawsuit after they were denied marriage licenses by the Bernalillo...
The DC Center, the city's LGBT community center, has kicked off a ''coffee drop-in hour'' for older LGBT adults on Mondays. The coffee hour is...
Whitman-Walker Health (WWH), the nonprofit community health center specializing in culturally competent care for LGBT people and individuals with HIV/AIDS, has reported improvements in quality...
Family is defined in many ways. It's a couple with kids, a couple without, maybe some pets, or maybe a network of friends who are...
Whether we're twink or bear, gaybro or drag queen, lipstick or butch, we all share one cultural touchstone: coming out. While the concept has been...
In January 1959, only three months into his pontificate, John XXIII called for the convening of Vatican II, which actually opened in October of 1962...