David Mariner is on the verge of happiness. Just about 50 signatures away, actually. ''If we get 500 signatures, I'll be very happy,'' says Mariner,...
Mitt Romney’s campaign tonight announced that it has hired Richard Grenell, an out gay former George W. Bush administration official, to serve as the presumptive...
Yoweri Museveni, the Ugandan president, spoke with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour for an exclusive interview, Wednesday, in which he extensively denied that gay discrimination is present...
Whether or not we are hard-core political junkies, most of us in the LGBT community share some common understandings about politics as it relates to...
Two bills designed to increase awareness and promote a dialogue on HIV/AIDS between patients and service providers are closer to becoming law after being passed...
Internalized homophobia is commonplace. You could say it's the result of powerful marketing – repeated catch phrases, sermons and punditry reinforcing a notion that gay...
A City Council bill aimed at preventing physical and electronic forms of harassment, intimidation and bullying in District schools, libraries, parks and recreation centers –...
While Youth Pride Day may have gotten its start in Dupont Circle, there was much more room out of the way down at P Street...
The Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance of Washington, D.C. (GLAA), the nation's oldest continuously running gay rights advocacy organization, will mark its 41st anniversary with...
London Mayor Bans ''Conversion Therapy'' Bus Ads Advertisements promoting ''conversion therapy'' – which claims to make gay people straight – scheduled to run on some...
Pitt Bathroom Policy Contradicts City/County Nondiscrimination Codes A University of Pittsburgh (Pitt) facilities policy contradicts that of the city and county in which the university...
The Washington Post editorial board tonight strongly criticized President Obama’s decision...
“Should we settle for an economy where a few people...
Questions over why President Obama chose last week not to pursue an executive order to ban federal contractors from discriminating on the basis of sexual...
A new study by the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) and Social Science Research Solutions (SSRS) examining support among Hispanics for LGBT rights finds...