Chief Cathy Lanier has launched an internal investigation within the Metropolitan Police Department's (MPD) Major Crash Investigative Unit following reports of fliers circulating within the...
Get Equal is starting off Netroots Nation … with a protest! Challenging Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, the activists...
The Judiciary Committee voted in support of the nomination of Solicitor General Elena Kagan to the U.S. Supreme Court seat being vacated by Justice John...
“I fully anticipate someone will try to make it an issue…but I want to be a representative, and I don’t want to let the fact...
Some major action toward international engagement on LGBT issues today, with a nod from President Obama — as the White House Broadway night was set...
It hasn’t been that long since anti-gay activist George Rekers put “lifting my luggage” into the American dictionary of hypocritical sexual innuendo by taking a...
The President and First Lady Michelle Obama will be continuing the White House Music Series in the East Room this evening with a salute to...
Andrea Peyser's scathing New York Post review of The Kids Are All Right – titled '''The Kids' are not all right'' – attempts to dismiss...
Carte Goodwin (law firm bio here), the former general counsel to West Virginia Gov. Joe Manchin (D), is set to be the pick of his...
The D.C. Court of Appeals issued its awaited decision in Bishop Harry Jackson’s appeal of the D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics’s decision that his...
Lt. Dan Choi and James Pietrangelo didn't break the law they had been charged with breaking, and it is for that reason, according to a...
”This is a story about homosexual conduct…. ‘Sir, Sergeants Hall and Johnson came to see me. They apparently witnessed a homosexual act involving PFC Howard...
Although the charges were dismissed against Lt. Dan Choi and James Pietrangelo on Wednesday morning (as Metro Weekly‘s Yusef Najafi reports here), questions remained about...
Choi and Griffin at Freedom Plaza ”Surprise! He kind of sprung that on me. Yeah, that’s me with the frozen smile. So, what do I...