”It wasn’t great. It wasn’t the best I’ve ever done in my life, but I’m very happy… but I do know it wasn’t perfect…. I...
”I think everyone’s individual faith is their own business. And I do believe in Jesus, and I do believe he was a compassionate person. And...
”I apologize to my fans, In the heat of the moment i said a lot of things i didnt mean and im very sorry… i...
”It’s the ultimate Washington power grab to say let’s have a federal constitutional amendment that will federalize the question of marriage.” Christopher Barron of GOProud...
”I think Jesus was a compassionate, super-intelligent gay man who understood human problems. On the cross, he forgave the people who crucified him. Jesus wanted...
This past Saturday, David Rivkin, Jr., and Lee Casey – two longtime senior officials in the Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations – wrote in...
As expected, a request to delay marriage equality from becoming District law on March 3 was tentatively denied today, Feb. 19, in D.C. Superior Court....
With the ''Snowmageddon'' of a record-breaking double whammy of back-to-back blizzards come and gone, locals have returned to work and their daily routines. And while...
I was once a big believer in American exceptionalism. I don't mean the quasi-mystical version of exceptionalism in which God laid down the foundations for...
Despite his being so dark and masculine, I am tempted to call Bishop Harry Jackson the White Queen after the character in Through the Looking-Glass...
How can I write this so that Maggie Gallagher -- of National Organization for Marriage (NOM) infamy -- will understand? A child loses his or...
”This is for Alexander McQueen.” Pop idol Lady Gaga. Tuesday night, she twice thanked Lee McQueen, the gay fashion designer who committed suicide a week...
”I like dudes. I just, uh, don’t sleep with them…. We tackle the gay marriage thing. Steve really wants to get married and kind of...
Two gay men were found dead in a San Diego apartment on Friday, Feb. 5, in what San Diego police have labeled a murder-suicide. The...
On Wednesday, Feb. 3, Christopher George McDonald plead guilty, in front of D.C. Superior Court Judge Craig Iscoe, to assaulting and threatening a group of...