”I know that they intended to silence us with hate. However, we are choosing to unite and come over that with a stronger voice, and...
”Although the initial references might have been inoffensive if considered on their own, they prompted an exchange with one of the programme’s guests which gave...
”I do. I am no longer opposed to that. I think if people want to make commitments that last a lifetime, they ought to be...
Both Deeds and McDonnell voted to exclude sexual orientation from a list of hate crimes. They voted against recognizing same sex-marriages and for a measure...
One article, two headlines. What’s the difference? Fox News appears to have rewritten the original headline with incendiary intention, to state that a professor has...
”I am demanding that WKYC-TV3 identify any and all sources who can confirm that the pictures broadcast in its newscast were actually of me, where...
”I guess we won the protest, because they left first.” Julie Aker, a student at Brooklyn Tech, in New York, who was one of nearly...
The United States Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia (USAO-DC) has released a 14-page sentencing memorandum, outlining the government's reasoning in charging Robert Lee...
”I guess, of the three, I would Limbaugh, because it would be very painful, and he would come with the painkillers which...
”It was a whole big drama at school. Some guys made fun of us, others hit on us. Most middle-school guys are total, complete morons.”...
At one moment Tuesday evening, Sept. 22, the online ticker for AIDS Walk Washington just passed the $415,000 mark in total donations. With 11 days...
''Our Time is Now,'' according to a call to action by several local GLBT groups seeking marriage equality. ''It is an invitation for all the...
Silence filled the auditorium at the University of the District of Columbia Monday evening as about 200 attendees and a panel of speakers waited and...
Kevin Britt Jr. Updated: Britt has been found (Read full story).The Prince George's County Police Department is looking for Kevin Britt Jr., a 23-year-old resident of...
Chris Farris is just one of many people counting down the days until Wednesday, Oct. 14. That's the day that Farris, co-chair of Gays and...