It could have happened in Washington. But on Tuesday, Sept. 29, the Federation of Gay Games (FGG) announced from Cologne, Germany, that Washington and Boston...
Scratch a homophobe and you find a religious bigot. Robert Knight of Coral Ridge Ministries, responding on to the Muslim prayer gathering last Friday...
Just when it might seem that adding one more component in any way related to health care might lead the District to some kind of...
”We are going to be put on an international stage now, not just national, not just state-wide, but international. And people are gonna know us...
”It’s kind of a bittersweet situation for me, we worked hard … we brought open government back to East Cleveland, we got the water rates...
”I ain’t against gay people. I’m just against it being promoted to kids…. I just mean that on some of these TV shows, they got...
“It felt like somebody had violated the honor and commitment that we as military veterans feel about our service…. All my brothers and sisters in...
” came out…. no longer gay, but it’s still a process that I have to go through to be fully delivered. See,...
It could have happened in Washington. But on Tuesday, Sept. 29, the Federation of Gay Games (FGG) announced from Cologne, Germany, that Washington D.C., and...
Cameron: ”Yes, I’ve gained a few extra pounds while we were expecting the baby. Which has been very difficult, but apparently your body does a...
”I know that they intended to silence us with hate. However, we are choosing to unite and come over that with a stronger voice, and...
”Although the initial references might have been inoffensive if considered on their own, they prompted an exchange with one of the programme’s guests which gave...
”I do. I am no longer opposed to that. I think if people want to make commitments that last a lifetime, they ought to be...
Both Deeds and McDonnell voted to exclude sexual orientation from a list of hate crimes. They voted against recognizing same sex-marriages and for a measure...
One article, two headlines. What’s the difference? Fox News appears to have rewritten the original headline with incendiary intention, to state that a professor has...