Voted NO on prohibiting job discrimination based on sexual orientation. (Nov 13, 2007) Voted YES on Constitutionally defining marriage as one-man-one-woman. (Nov 13, 2007) Voted...
”It is 100 percent irrelevant in this race. What’s relevant in this race is what the records of the candidates are on issues that the...
”Being gay and Christian, we find that we constantly have to defend ourselves. And so it would be nice to get this out there. And...
”Guess what? Go ahead… nope… keep guessing… Okay, I’ll just tell you–I’m gonna be the new judge on American Idol!” Comedian, talk show host, and...
When Mildred and Richard Loving were fighting Virginia for the right to be married though being of different races, a respectable judge in the commonwealth...
Proceeds from the 17th annual Capital Classic Tournament, Sept. 12-14, will benefit the Sexual Minority Youth Assistance League, the Capital Tennis Association (CTA) has announced....
''People should come expecting some solutions,'' Sampson McCormick says of the upcoming ''Town Hall on Homophobia in the Black Community.'' ''They should come expecting to...
Dr. Yuntao Wu felt so inspired by last year's first ''NYCDC AIDS Ride'' benefiting his team's research on HIV/AIDS at George Mason University, that he...
Three statewide offices and all 100 seats of the Virginia House of Delegates are up for grabs come Nov. 3, in what political activists are...
”I think the way it works is you start like ‘The Office’ or like ‘Queer as Folk,’ You start quite close, and then as those...
”We’re proud that we got to show the world that anybody can do anything they want…. We love our community. Everyone out there, go for...
”I said, well, I can’t do that. And they said, ‘In that case, the pastors’ planning committee is asking you not to participate in the...
”I tell that to gay couples and they’re like, ‘Are you kidding? We’re awful.’ But by and large if you look at tapes of a...
”My current partner is a man. Before him, my partner of two years was a woman, with whom I discussed health insurance, kids, houses and...