I took the opportunity on Wednesday to head up to New York City to see Angels in America, Part 2: Perestroika, staged by the Signature...
From the Wonk Room to Towleroad and from The Washington Post to Mediaite and The Rachel Maddow Show, the exchange between The Advocate‘s Kerry Eleveld,...
The White House has issued a Statement of Administration Policy regarding the consideration of the National Defense Authorization Act. In relevant part, it notes: Policy...
Today is the vote to proceed to debate on the National Defense Authorization Act, which contains the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal amendment. Several questions...
Lady Gaga takes her “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal...
D.C.’s Omni Shoreham Hotel was, this weekend, the site of the “Value Voters Summit” — a place where Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) and former Gov....
In 2006, Jim Webb, the former Navy Secretary to President Reagan, had become a Democratic and was running to unseat Sen. George Allen (R-Va.), in...
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) today filed for cloture on the motion to proceed to debate the National Defense Authorization Act, which contains the...
Dana Beyer, who spoke with Metro Weekly this past week about her candidacy to become a member of the Maryland House of Delegates, was less...
In an email to supporters, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced his intention to take up the National Defense Authorization Act — which contains language...
Earlier today, Secretary of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius addressed the 2010 United States Conference on AIDS in Orlando, Florida. In her speech...
On the (arguably) final day to file a notice of appeal in the Perry v. Schwarzenegger Proposition 8 case, word comes via Ian Millhiser at...
[UPDATE AT 2AM: After winning eight awards at MTV’s Video Music Awards, the above capture is now the landing page for Lady Gaga’s website. It...
Unsurprisingly, the National Organization for Marriage picked up on The Washington Post‘s endorsement of Ward 5 City Council candidate Delano Hunter — and the spirit...
Although it was exciting to consider the possibility that I might ask President Obama a question at today’s news conference in the East Room of...