Carte Goodwin (law firm bio here), the former general counsel to West Virginia Gov. Joe Manchin (D), is set to be the pick of his...
The D.C. Court of Appeals issued its awaited decision in Bishop Harry Jackson’s appeal of the D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics’s decision that his...
Although the charges were dismissed against Lt. Dan Choi and James Pietrangelo on Wednesday morning (as Metro Weekly‘s Yusef Najafi reports here), questions remained about...
Writing about “political fear” and the oft-repeated line that “lected officials and candidates view the gay community as an ATM,” AmericaBlog’s Joe Sudbay posits, “We...
As others focus on the questions the military is asking troops, Log Cabin Republicans are focused on questions of another type, as the group’s lawsuit...
Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell hit back hard on Monday afternoon against the claim alluded to at Talking Points Memo and circulating in the LGBT blogosphere...
Following up from the Friday evening, July 9, news conference held by Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell, I believe many questions remain about the survey, its...
[UPDATE: The Pentagon held a news conference for reporters regarding the survey at 4:15 p.m. Friday afternoon. My report, “Pentagon Pushes Back,” details what was...
U.S. District Court Judge Joseph Tauro, appointed to the federal bench in 1972, ruled this afternoon in Gill v....
[UPDATE: Please refer to “Questions’ Quagmire” for a full article on this issue, in which the Human Rights Campaign and Palm Center do not take...
Calling it “marriage by another name,” Hawaii Gov. Linda Lingle (R) today announced that she would veto the state’s civil union bill, passed earlier this...
Following up on the question raised — and unanswered — at the July 1 LGBT media briefing with White House domestic policy adviser Melody Barnes...
When “doom” appears in a headline these days, you know that we’re either talking about the Gulf — or an overheated political argument. The Washington...
It wasn’t the rockets’ red glare tonight, but all the colors of the fireworks over the National Mall that kept the District’s attention as the...
GOProud has joined with several other Republicans — including, as reported by Politico, former National Republican Congressional Committee chair Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) — in...