The D.C. chapter of the Log Cabin Republicans, the nation’s primary LGBT Republican organization, is calling for the resignation of a District politician for the...
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer’s attempt to deny benefits to state employees in same-sex relationships cost her a civil servant on Tuesday. Edwin Leslie, who until...
Mitt Romney vowed to defend traditional marriage as president during a speech delivered to the NAACP convention today in Houston. Only briefly did the presumptive...
With less than two weeks until the kickoff of the XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012) in Washington, one key participating organization is expressing dismay...
Christian Berle, the deputy executive director at Log Cabin Republicans, is leaving his job at the organization formed to represent gay Republicans to join the...
In response to Metro Weekly‘s exclusive June 19 report on a series of decisions from the Department of Justice’s Board of Immigration Appeals that sent...
This past weekend the boards of directors of Servicemembers Legal Defense Network and OutServe voted to become one organization by October, SLDN announced this morning....
The Republican-led House Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group today mailed its petition to the U.S. Supreme Court asking it to review the May 31 ruling of the...
A spokesman for Marylanders for Marriage Equality, the coalition of groups working to defend the state’s recently passed civil marriage law, said the coalition is...
[Photo: Defense Department general counsel Jeh Johnson, fifth from right, poses for a photograph with servicemembers and veterans, including Ronnie Bryant, fourth from right, following...
National Stonewall Democrats today announced the group’s first 25 endorsements — including six out LGBT candidates. The partisan LGBT organization has a rolling endorsement process,...
Today, the Supreme Court issued its ruling in the Obama administration’s challenge to Arizona’s immigration law, S.B. 1070, holding that three of the four provisions...
As ABC’s Jake Tapper reported earlier this afternoon, the daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, Mary Cheney, married her longtime partner, Heather Poe, today....
Over the past day, much has been made of the GOProud board’s decision to endorse Mitt Romney for president. The gay conservative group is known...