This morning, the Senate Housing, Employment, Labor and Pensions Committee announced the witness list for the upcoming June 12 hearing on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act...
Today, the Human Rights Campaign is releasing what it calls “groundbreaking research” involving “more than 10,000 LGBT-identified youth ages 13-17.” The national LGBT political organization...
Echoing several other recent court opinions, U.S. District Court Judge Barbara Jones today ruled that the Defense of Marriage Act’s federal definition of marriage is...
The federal appeals court hearing the challenge to California’s Proposition 8 passed on taking another look at the ruling. The decision today by the U.S. Court...
The U.S. Court of...
Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan (D) will be joining Lambda Legal and the ACLU in arguing that Illinois’s civil unions law does not meet the...
The opinion from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit on May 31 striking down Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act in...
Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act — the federal definition of “marriage” and “spouse” — is unconstitutional, a federal appeals court in Boston...
Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund and the ACLU each filed a lawsuit today seeking equal marriage rights for same-sex couples in Illinois, as Metro...
Lambda Legal Defense and...
Marylanders for Marriage Equality, the coalition seeking to uphold the Free State’s recently passed marriage equality law, issued a statement on May 29 outside the...
On Thursday evening, a federal judge in California held that the Defense of Marriage Act and a provision of tax law unconstitutionally limit same-sex couples...
The State Department this morning released its 2011 Annual Report on Human Rights, the 36th such annual report. Marking the release, Secretary of State Hillary...
A strong majority of Marylanders would vote to uphold Maryland’s recently passed marriage equality law if it is taken to a referendum in November, a...
Retired Gen. Colin Powell — the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff whose voice in 1993 in support of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”...