The evangelical movement today took a stand to make it clear that, despite the cable TV talk that former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney has the...
Today, the Washington state senate filed a bill that would make The Evergreen State the seventh in the union to legalize marriage equality. But even...
Del. Heather Mizeur (D-Montgomery County) announced she is partnering with Del. Keiffer Mitchell, Jr. (D-Baltimore City) to co-host a town hall meeting on marriage equality,...
Responding to a report today in The Globe and Mail that “a Department of Justice lawyer says marriage is not legal...
A recent hazing-related death at Florida A&M University has raised questions about both ongoing problems of hazing at the university and whether sexual orientation played...
In today’s Metro Weekly, I lay out a path forward in “Absent Update” for President Obama’s stalled evolution on marriage equality. Definitely go read that...
The 2012 election season had winners besides former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney on Jan. 10. In Minnesota, Susan Allen won her special election to become...
Unlike the long...
Responding to a question from Metro Weekly about former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum (R)’s claim in New Hampshire on Jan. 9 that he and President...
Noting that he often is told, “Santorum, quit trying to impose your morality on everyone else,” former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum spent his time at...
President Obama had the 1996 Outlines survey, where, as a state Senate candidate, he had supported “same-sex marriages” but the White House was unwilling to...
This morning, all of New Jersey’s Democratic members of the U.S. Congress — including Sens. Frank Lautenberg and Robert Menendez — urged their state legislative...
Tonight, the remaining Republican would-be presidential candidates met for one of two debates before the Jan. 10...
The national understanding of rape, as defined by the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s data collection program, now includes what Vice President Joseph Biden called a...
The American Civil Liberties Union, on behalf of four Michigan public employees and their partners, sued Michigan Gov. Richard Snyder (R) today to stop enforcement...