Heavenly Round-Up: There's a price to be paid, and it's as inexorable as time, tide and taxes. Was it worth the tab you ran up...
Heavenly Round-Up: There's a lot of heavy lifting still to do, but before that you'll want to get past the thinking-things-through portion of your karma....
Heavenly Round-Up: We are shaped by interior landscapes as well as heredity and environment. In that subtle theater where we are most ourselves or more...
Heavenly Round-Up: Is the burden crushing? The workload staggering? The structure straining? You're overwhelmed by responsibilities you willingly assumed. You're determined to change the world...
Heavenly Round-Up: Remember the dream where you're having a coffee at an outdoor café in another country and suddenly a busload of Americans pours out...
Heavenly Round Up: It's hard to believe that the days are already getting longer. It's hard to believe in the sun behind that ominous bank...
Heavenly Round-Up: Is this a new beginning on old foundations? A reckoning for a bill you thought you'd already settled? A magical opportunity to receive...
Heavenly Round-Up: It's crunch time! There's a hard row to hoe ahead. In fact, the tunnel is longer and darker than your advance team knew...
Heavenly Round-Up: You've been hit from your blind spot so often you're feeling punch drunk. And the Universe isn't finished with you yet. The good...
Heavenly Round-Up: Suddenly the stupidity reaches critical mass and pops like a zit whose time is at hand. This is both a good thing and...
Heavenly Round-Up: There's a blurring and a softening of boundaries. What once was solid now develops porous qualities, like rock subjected to the gentle force...
Heavenly Round-Up: The shift from need to want, from desire to action, from chthonic to combustible begins almost imperceptibly. However subtle, the change will bring...
Heavenly Round-Up: Oh my! What can anybody do when the rock and the hard place are in collusion? Well, bring it out into the open....
Heavenly Round-Up: The spotlight is on the harvest of your ego-based investments. What have you made of yourself lately? What does it bring on the...
Heavenly Round-Up: I hope you've been careful what you pray for. This is a peak manifestation cycle. Wishes come true. Dreams come to life. Fantasies...