Metro Weekly

Search results for "n"

  • Damien

    It's hard not to think of Damien, 23, as the definition of badass. He's done some time in the Air Force (not for him, though...

  • Chord Progression

    ''When people started calling me Jonny B, I said that's enough,'' laughs Chord Bezerra. ''So I started going by Chord to avoid that.'' Of course,...

  • Coverboy: Donald

    Donald gets around. At least, he used to. Born in Iceland because of his dad's Air Force job, from there he spent much of his...

  • Gay Wonderland

    ''The name just kind of rolls off your tongue,'' says Joey-O with a laugh. ''It almost sounds like a cheerleader -- 'Go gay go!''' Instead...

  • Heating Up the Holidays

    Years ago, in its advertising for a December party, Blowoff featured a muscle-bound, cartoon Santa. This year Blowoff's Rich Morel will do the ho-ho-ho-ing himself,...

  • Coverboy: Tony

    Tony, 23, is trying Brooklyn on for size. But you can still see plenty of him down here, as he's working at Baltimore's Club Hippo...

  • Tribal Journey

    Someone once called DJ Paulo a ''pots and pans'' DJ. ''People who don't understand what I do and who don't understand rhythm as much, they...

  • Thriller Night

    Not everyone likes to dress up for Halloween. Some people dress up enough already the rest of the year. But you certainly get more chances...

  • Coverboy: Shane

    If you're a zombie fan, you're probably counting down to the Season 2 premiere of The Walking Dead Oct. 16. If so, keep an eye...

  • Coverboy: Jason

    Jason, 24, has a strong relationship with God, but is hesitant about church. He used to love it, even participating as a pastor's assistant. Then...

  • Duplex Vision

    Kevin Lee photographed by Todd Franson at the Duplex Diner on Friday, September 9 ''I was always shying away from the word 'change,''' says Kevin...

  • Coverboy: Darren

    It may take Darren, 21, about two hours to get his look together, but that might be because he's a model. He takes his look...

  • Dancing Dominion

    Some people go to Kings Dominion to ride roller coasters and bumper cars. Others go to eat cotton candy or funnel cake. And then there...

  • Apex's New Phase

    The secret's finally out: The club most recently known as Apex will soon reopen as Phase 1 of Dupont, an offshoot of D.C.'s oldest lesbian...

  • Twinkle

    After a hard day's work, Seth Knight would ''rather go home and go to bed than hookup again.'' Ah, the life of a porn star....