Metro Weekly


  • Junior's Return

    Junior Vasquez took the news of Whitney Houston's death hard. ''I was pretty much depressed,'' he says. ''I was bed-ridden for about four days, it...

  • Coverboy: Cedric

    Born in Tallahassee, raised in Tampa, Cedric may be a long way from the beach weather he craves. But a stint at Quantico from his...

  • Town and Gown

    One day, maybe D.C. will have another homegrown contestant on RuPaul's Drag Race. But for now, every weekend Town features Miss Tatiana, season two's third...

  • Coverboy: René

    There was a time when René, 21, growing up in Aurora, Ill., was in the shadows, suffering the bullies in elementary and middle school. Then...

  • A.J.

    It's not surprising that A.J., 24, is a barback at The Fireplace and at Secrets. It's the perfect job for a guy who likes clean...

  • Otter Season

    Once thought to be an endangered species, otters are now so prevalent in D.C. that, like deer, a hunting season has sprung up. Of course,...

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: When in the course of human events it becomes necessary to separate facts from fantasies, don't be too quick to discard the bathwater...

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: Contrast and confusion are the name of the game. Feeling ultra-grounded wars with feeling like you're in a deep rut. The limitless possibilities...

  • Aaron

    It's a rough economy and Aaron knows it firsthand. The 34-year-old unemployed West Virginia native is relying on an Annapolis buddy for housing at the...

  • Roy

    Though far more stylish than a mullet, Roy has followed that particular haircut's philosophy of mastering both business and pleasure. On the business end, the...

  • Henry

    Alexandria native Henry is eager to get home to the D.C. area. For now, however, the 27-year-old is paying dues by completing his surgery residency...

  • Pink Palace

    There's a refurbished dance floor, which will be flanked by tables and chairs. There's also an enhanced sound system and more lights. But the biggest...

  • Samuel

    When Samuel, who's called Damascus, Md., home all his life, came out in high school, it went so well, he even won a title. ''I...

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: You're more alive to change and the possibility of replacing old habits and crutches with fresh perspectives and active rehabilitation. Oddly, you also...

  • Damien

    It's hard not to think of Damien, 23, as the definition of badass. He's done some time in the Air Force (not for him, though...