Metro Weekly


  • Chord Progression

    ''When people started calling me Jonny B, I said that's enough,'' laughs Chord Bezerra. ''So I started going by Chord to avoid that.'' Of course,...

  • Elijah

    He might not have the doctor title just yet, but Elijah, 28, should be just months away from that anthropology Ph.D. But who wouldn't expect...

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: What's that up ahead? The big, suddenly noticeable thing you've never seen before in your life? Isn't it funny how one second you're...

  • Coverboy: Donald

    Donald gets around. At least, he used to. Born in Iceland because of his dad's Air Force job, from there he spent much of his...

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: Facing the rigors of the present and the demands of the future, you're more than a little nostalgic for the simplicities of the...

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Roundup: You may already be a contender. You may not recognize the battle in which you're engaged, but it exists nonetheless. Can you make...

  • Gay Wonderland

    ''The name just kind of rolls off your tongue,'' says Joey-O with a laugh. ''It almost sounds like a cheerleader -- 'Go gay go!''' Instead...

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: You can't help it: You're looking ahead even as the past tugs at your shirttails. You're focused on the yet-to-be – though that...

  • Coverboy: Richie

    When Richie was born, peace had finally come to his native Cambodia after years of civil war, genocide and invasion. But his family – with...

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: Are you on a tightrope or in free fall? Is this a rerun or an original version of your life? Could anyone find...

  • Heating Up the Holidays

    Years ago, in its advertising for a December party, Blowoff featured a muscle-bound, cartoon Santa. This year Blowoff's Rich Morel will do the ho-ho-ho-ing himself,...

  • Coverboy: Gary

    Call out the welcome wagon, Gary has arrived. The 25-year-old – originally from Detroit, and most recently Atlanta – moved to metro D.C. in August...

  • Coverboy: Fame

    Fame grants that his name wasn't awarded to him by his parents. ''It was given to me by a friend because I was popular in...

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: You've circled the block on your tricycle so many times you're getting mondo frequent rider miles stacked up. You're torn between enthusiasm for...

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: Are you awakening from a long dream? Or are you falling back into a semi-grounded fugue state? Retain your self-awareness as you progress...