Metro Weekly


  • Twinkle

    After a hard day's work, Seth Knight would ''rather go home and go to bed than hookup again.'' Ah, the life of a porn star....

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: Is reality catching up to your ideological hopes? Does that have to be a big bummer, or could there be a better point...

  • Coverboy: Mondo

    Mondo spent the last couple of months in Washington as a media intern. He's about to embark on his senior year at Grinnell College in...

  • Circuit Camp

    There are circuit parties on the beach, at amusement parks, at sea and in cities. But at a campground? ''There are other gay campground festivals,...

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: You're heading for a culmination. Keep in mind that this is no longer about you, but about larger, ideological concepts and their manifestation...

  • Coverboy: Scott

    Scott studied criminology at George Mason University, where he graduated in 2010. And while the 23-year-old Jacksonville, Fla., native envisions a career in counterterrorism, he's...

  • Three Sirens

    Will Lady Gaga or Britney Spears dethrone Madonna in the 9:30 Club's diva dance battle this Saturday, Aug. 6? They just might. ''I don't know...

  • Bear Necessity

    Johnny Scruff was frustrated. Smartphone apps weren't helping him find the kind of guys he liked -- scruffy guys. They were not, as he puts...

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: You're all alone in the dark; what do you do? Do you shout for attention? Do you grope around to familiarize yourself with...

  • Video Flashback

    ''I'm loving seeing the mix in the crowd we get,'' says Nikolas Groshans. ''The people are from all different backgrounds, they're different sexes, they're different...

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: You're really putting your back into it. In fact, you want to watch out that you don't strain yourself under the mighty effort....

  • Coverboy: London

    London is new to the nation's capital. The 28-year-old native of New Orleans moved to D.C. from Detroit two months ago to consider a job...

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: Time and tide take on new significance as deadlines approach and procrastination deepens its tentacled presence in your heart of hearts. Why the...

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: You're more aware of the resources and reflections inherent in those around you. Look into their faces to see who you are becoming,...

  • Coverboy: Clinton

    A native of Alabama, Clinton currently works as a corporate concierge. The 24-year-old is also a student at the University of DC, studying psychology and...