Metro Weekly

Search results for "n"

  • Blowoff’s Return

    Tomorrow night sees the return to D.C. of Blowoff after a summer hiatus and out-of-town expansion. You can expect hairy muscle lads and dads out...

  • As Seen on Tee-Vee! Yee-haw!

    Those talented and tasty DC Cowboys may have been voted off NBC's America's Got Talent last month (too soon!) after making it through several rounds...

  • Watch and Dance

    ''It's the little movie that could,'' says Richard Kimmel about his first feature film, Schwarzwald: The Movie You Can Dance To. Based on music and...

  • Ready to be Dominated at King’s Dominion

    Hearsay can't wait to get dominated tonight — and no, smart-ass, not like every other Saturday night. Have you ridden the new ride the Dominator...

  • Halo Goes Orange

    Last Friday night, Hearsay pressed the flesh and pounded the pavement looking for votes. Excuse me, would you vote for orange? No, not Vincent "Not...

  • Radiant Day

    Singer Inaya Day recalls the time she first heard herself on the radio, in the mid-1990s. ''I heard this song come on, and the chorus...

  • OBAMArama Roars Into Town

    Hearsay isn’t one to be coy about its political party inclinations — it’s blue through and through, boys and girls, through and through and through....

  • Pakt-Man

    Moving back to D.C. after seven years away, Jim Gade knew, for the most part, what he was coming back to. That doesn't mean he...

  • Cracking the Olympics

    The Beijing Olympics are almost over, which means very soon there'll be no more televised sights of hunky men in skintight, skimpy, sports gear —...

  • Halo Renewed

    It just started Sunday, but right now, Halo is already almost halfway through the remodel of its upstairs. If construction goes as planned, the upstairs...

  • Moran Prepares to Paint the Town Rouge

    Hearsay’s had a thing for Tony “Live You All Over” Moran ever since that time years ago in the V.I.P. bathroom at Nation, when Hearsay...

  • Booze ‘n boys with Sister Christian

    Last Friday, Universal Gear kicked off the weekend the way Hearsay hopes the store will always do from now on — with a cocktail party!...

  • Talented Townies

    The ads said anything goes, or almost: “A crazy talent contest where anyone can compete and do whatever they want on stage (basically anything).” And...

  • A Nellie Olympics

    In the eighth hour of the eighth night of the eighth month of the eighth year this decade – that’s 8-8-8-8, which has to be...

  • Upstairs Haven

    Annie's Upstairs If it's been a few months since you've been upstairs at Annie's Paramount Steakhouse, you're in for a surprise. ''What was once a...