Metro Weekly


  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: There's a seed germinating in your soul. There's a grain of sand irritating your heart just enough to bring on the emotional mother...

  • The Capital Pride Parade: The Metro Weekly Video

    Hearsay will have its complete report on Pride for you tomorrow — and not just online, but also in the magazine! Yes, a rare print...

  • Peter's Pride

    ''A lot of people miss the Roxy and the big-room experience,'' says Peter Rauhofer. ''We saw this as an opportunity.'' For many years, Rauhofer served...

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: Not only do we live in interesting times, but they just got a lot more intense. The flow of data is in radical...

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: It's going to be a humdinger of an informational experience. And the emotional component won't be easily shoved aside. How will you keep...

  • I [HEART] Stonewall

    ''What would it look like if everyone came together to experience a totally different quality of event?'' That's the question Vance Garrett asked himself when...

  • Joe Jonas Puts a (Purity) Ring on It

    Just when Hearsay thought it was done with “Single Ladies,” and had seen all the possible spoofs featuring men in tights imitating Beyonce — after...

  • Perfect for that Daddy on your list

    Hearsay was sifting through its mountain of spammail and noticed this from Amazon: As Hannibal might say, “Toughens your nipples, eh Senator?”

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: It's hard to deny you're between a rock and a hard place. On the other hand, you've been there long enough that you're...

  • Feline Waterboarding

    If you know cats — and Hearsay is not talking the musical — then you know cats generally despise water. They’ll do anything to keep...

  • The Return of Rauhofer

    As far as Hearsay knows, Peter “I Love Vienna Sausages” Rauhofer hasn’t been to D.C. since he spun for Cherry’s main event a whole three...

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: You've been verging on radical dissatisfaction with the status quo for so long you can't remember how it felt to be contented all...

  • Pageantry of Pride

    Two years ago, a drag king was crowned Mr. Capital Pride, and drag queens generally reign as Miss Capital Pride. But either contest ''is certainly...

  • Memorial Day Is Hopping in Gay DC Clubland…

    It's Memorial Day Weekend, which only means one thing: Hearsay's sad, because it never gets invited to the beach. (Thank you very much, Dave. You,...

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: Things wobble slowly towards maximum stasis. Once they reach their natural still point, they'll wind back up and begin the process all over...