Metro Weekly


  • Wigging Out

    Cookie Buffet may have clawed her way through the local political arena last year, as her alter ego Christopher Dyer won a seat as an...

  • Hearsay

    If Hearsay had headlines, this report would read: “Hearsay To Become Worldwide MTV Superstar.” But of course, Hearsay doesn't have headlines. It's not allowed to...

  • Monthly Escape

    ''I had an amazing time, it was an amazing crowd, and an amazing club,'' says DJ Escape of his debut at Cobalt last month. He...

  • Cupid's Stupid

    If you're looking for non-ironic expressions of warm Valentine's feelings next week, you may want to steer clear of the Black Cat where mothertoungue stages...

  • Hearsay

    Eavesdropping around at MAL Weekend... A very heated amateur night... Subairi holds a tsunami fundraiser... It all started a few Fridays back, at the Mid-Atlantic...

  • Truly Yours

    Dear Lena, I am a ''newbie'' to the whole gay scene. I am only 17, but I am going to be 18 in a few...

  • Hearsay

    The unauthorized scoop on the new Mr. DC Eagle... Shopping till dropping, then dancing... Is 26 really that old? Yes, it is... Did anyone else...

  • Big Blowoff

    Punk rock icon Bob Mould had never DJed at a club before. But his curiosity was piqued when he noticed a top-of-the-line DJ rig collecting...

  • Hearsay

    Taint nothing like the real thing, baby... Amateurs ultimately rule the night at Wet... What Hearsay wants of Cookie... Last Sunday, Hearsay stepped quietly into...

  • Hearsay

    A brand new winner at the High Heel Race... Carlos ''The Bear'' Arias says so long... Apex is hot, hot, hot... Hearsay has a winner....

  • White's Nights

    Is dance music losing its groove? Is it, in fact, dying? Randy White thinks it's tracking that way. ''If it continues the way it's going...

  • Hearsay

    Amateurs in their underwear at Wet... Going to the rockin' chapel at WEDRock... Getting hitched to Henry Rollins... A couple Fridays back, Hearsay wandered into...

  • Truly Yours

    Dear Lena, I have been single for two years now. I'm in my late thirties -- I've found that I'm more serious now than I...

  • Hearsay

    Crappy weather shuts down the Gay Day at K.D.... Mounting the cowboys at ASGRA's Atlantic Stampede... Hearty laughs galore at Titan... Last Saturday, Hearsay was...

  • Truly Yours

    Dear Lena, There are two too many men in my life. One is stunningly blond and dumb, but ''just right'' in all the other dimensions....