Metro Weekly


  • Hearsay

    Superbowl Sunday is a good reason to get good and drunk ... What's a goal line when there are breasts to be bared? ... Collectively...

  • Hearsay

    Leather Weekend exposed from the butt up and then some… Danny Linden's erotic encounter with an Etch-A-Sketch… Frank Nowicki's personal parking spot… They don't call...

  • Truly Yours

    Dear Lena, I'm nearly 40! I haven't had a relationship for about eight years. Honestly, I'm not really looking for one. I rarely go out....

  • Music Master

    Photography by Todd Franson When Jean-Philippe Aviance lined up his first DJ gig at Lizard Lounge, a friend remarked, ''Oh, I can't go there. It's...

  • Hearsay

    Out and about and all over the place during New Year week... A pre-pre-leather weekend sampling of manly men... Birthday wishes to a 33-year-old Hot...

  • Truly Yours

    Dear Lena, I am having trouble finding a gay male who is willing to date a female illusionist. I understand why guys are so quick...

  • Hearsay

    Velvet's White Party gets a thumbs up from Mother Nature though only the virginal seemed to be wearing white ... Mark Wolff takes a hold...

  • Truly Yours

    Dear Lena, You gave bum advice to “Happy Married Bi.” As a gay man who prefers men in relationships (either with another man or a...

  • Primal Urges

    DJ Victor Calderone's most recent visit to Washington, this past July at Velvet Nation, turned out to be a ''weird'' night for him. ''I was...

  • Hearsay

    It rained, it poured, but the masses turned out on 17th… Reel Affirmations wraps with its best fest ever… Cobalt's best strut their stuff… Few...

  • Ribbit Revolution

    During the extremely short-lived Time of Napster, Jesse Houk was one music lover among millions downloading whatever songs struck his fancy, with nary a glance...

  • Truly Yours

    Dear Lena, It's rather queer that a drag queen would pass moral judgment on the lifestyle of a happily married bisexual. I'm sure you're aware...

  • Hearsay

    Hearsay joins the masses in saying goodbye to Liz… A Liz of a different sort pumps up Sunday night… The High Heel Race is coming...

  • Electro Magnetism

    Cassidy Karakorn and Coby George have made it their mission to revive Tracks. Like many devotees of the former nightclub, Karakorn and George, along with...

  • Truly Yours

    Dear Lena, I'm a 27-year-old bisexual male and I'm married to a female. My problem is that I'm a true bisexual -- I honestly enjoy...