Dear Lena, Recently I met someone I felt very connected and close to. From the start we just talked about our lives, our ex-boyfriends, and...
At the security checkpoint, a man in a windbreaker asks you to remove your jacket, your shoes and your hat. You lift your arms parallel...
Maid service: Sarandon. Igby Slocumb is a rebel with a cause. At 17, Igby is more than a handful, foul-mouthed and ill-behaved, the kind of...
In May of 1999, Elisabeth Leamy went to a party. She brought a producer from Fox 5 News and a teeny, tiny hidden camera. By...
Romantic virgin: Cohn (Photo by Scott Suchman) Cabaret meets Pacific Overtures in Privates on Parade, the 25th anniversary season opener for The Studio Theatre....
Hearsay goes jeans crazy at U-Gear's Fashion Show… Mayor Williams goes triangle crazy on 17th… The newest crowns in town… See more of MW's Exclusive...
Actors' Theatre of Washington 202-543-3607 After Dark -- GLBT-focused company brings back last season's romantic comedy hit (1409 Playbill Café, 11/8 to 12/23)... Naked...
The 1994 musical Passion is an exquisite examination of romantic desire turned into destructive obsession, and it's replete with some of composer Stephen Sondheim's most...
Tim Miller Tim Miller is feeling a little guilty. ''I used to be very pooh-poohing on the gays in the military issue,'' admits the performance...
To say that John Epperson is the ''Pride of Mississippi'' probably wouldn't be the most accurate of statements. Now, that's not to disparage Epperson's estimable...
If ever there were a poster boy for globalization's best-case scenario, Ali Shirazinia would certainly be it. He left the town of his birth --...
''Outsider'' is a pretty loaded word, with connotations mired in images of 10th grade outcasts in black trenchcoats, serial killers, and Harley-straddling Peter Fondas. So...
If you've ever attended a gay and lesbian event in this city, chances are you've noticed Cheryl Ann Spector -- she's the one with the...