Metro Weekly

Search results for "HB 2"

  • Fired Up

    Clarence* J. Fluker wants everyone to be just as excited as he is. A tall order, perhaps, given his naturally enthusiastic and gregarious personality. But...

  • Borderline Crazy

    I remember watching that Richard Linklater movie, Slacker, in 1991 and thinking to myself, ''These people are pathetic.'' I was 13 and had no concept...

  • Sand Pebbles

    In case you've never studied women's history and you're not entirely sure who George Sand was, don't count on getting a thorough lesson from MetroStage's...

  • Environs

    MAX IT OUT with this 2 BR, 2 BA customized condo in the heart of Capitol Hill. Warms tones please the eye while smart spaces...

  • GLAA Marks 35 Years

    When the Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance celebrates a milestone, it's a bit like the tortoise making his victory lap to the hare's chagrin. Steadily,...

  • Traditional Values

    The headline of the lead story in last week's Bay Area Reporter, San Francisco's gay newspaper of record, said it all: ''Gay Families Join Easter...

  • Be Bar Faces Off with Opponents

    Opponents and supporters of the proposed Be Bar at 1318 Ninth St. NW , which would cater to the gay community with a lounge and...

  • Gays in Eurabia

    Four years after the assassination of gay Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn, his warning of the threat posed to the rights of European gays and women...

  • Family Ties

    When it comes to gay and lesbian families, the past year has seen a bit of bunny business. You may remember last year when Buster...

  • Lucky Boy

    One of Alfred Hitchcock's favorite recurring themes was that of the wrong man, an acute case of mistaken identity that often took the hero on...

  • Civic Responsibility

    Everybody knows the Honda Civic. Chances are, you've spent a lot of time in one, whether you owned one as your first grown-up car, or...

  • Gay Old Timers

    Rainbow Retirement Sitting at the southern tip of the mouth of Tampa Bay, there is a spot akin to somewhere over the rainbow. It's here,...

  • Trans-American

    When Ruby Corado arrived in the Washington area as an immigrant from El Salvador, she was a teenager. She was also male. ''What marked the...

  • Chair Apparent

    The second in an occasional series of interviews and stories on the 2006 D.C. mayoral and Council races. Linda Cropp It's definitely election season when...

  • Last Dance

    The party at VelvetNation is coming to an end, promoters announced Wednesday, March 22. The biggest ongoing, weekly gay bash in D.C. will be going...